Bereavement and Funeral Ministry

This ministry often involves time during the day.
New members always welcome.  Training is available.

Please contact the Ministry Coordinator, Stephanie Calpin or call 513-398-3821 ext. 3102 for more information

Our team consists of a caring group of individuals who work together to assist with the funeral preparations in various areas including Bereavement Ministers, Mass Coordinators, Greeters, Lectors, Celebration of Life Lunch Helpers, and Grief Support. 

Bereavement Ministers
  • Meet with the family of the deceased to assist with planning the Funeral.
  • Listening and compassion are the key skills to help families select readings, music, and other elements of the Funeral liturgy.
  • Bereavement Ministers also follow-up with those grieving through phone calls and support materials to provide Grief Support.
Mass Coordinators, Lectors, and Greeters

Assist at the Funeral Mass on the day of the service.

Celebration of Life Lunch Helpers

These volunteers provide support in one of two ways:

  • Prepare a component of the lunch (side dish, dessert, etc.) at their home and drop it off at church on the day of the scheduled lunch;
  • Set up, serve, and cleanup of the lunch on-site at St. Susanna.